Tuesday 6 May 2014

10 Ways to Make the Best Out of Your Day

Everyone gets the same allocation of time in a day. Nothing more, nothing less. Have you ever wondered how others seem to make the best of the time they have while you sometimes grapple to get one meaningful thing done in a day? There are many reasons to that and in this article I share what I have found to be an effective way to handle the productive time of your day. You will not only become more fruitful but your days will be fulfilling. I used to wish one hour was added to the twenty four that are guaranteed but I soon got used to the fact that this constant would never change. What could change however, was how I chose to make the best of every minute that passed. I could either chose to live it the usual, non productive way or live it in a calculated, fruitful and productive way. It is unfortunate that when you lose time sometimes you don't even have the time to realize that you are losing it. You are focused on losing time such that nothing else matters. When you then look at results you are found wanting even in situations where your job actions are the same. Below are guidelines to utilize your time effectively.

1. Focus on what you can control - It is of no use crying over things that you have no control over. You will certainly not stop the sun from going down nor stop the clock from ticking one more second. You have control over what you do within the second. You have control over what you think and process as the day progresses. I used to have very bad days. When I look back, it was really because I chose to have them that way. I would worry and focus on trying to change issues that were of national interest in terms of how they had affected almost everyone. How can you try and focus on inflation and hyperinflation when 100% of the population faces the same challenge? These were matters beyond my control but I lost time worrying not even focusing on how to get out of financial turmoil.

2. Think positive thoughts that drive you to action - Productivity belongs to those who have mastered the art of thinking right and acting accordingly. It is wisdom to train your mind to focus on what you desire, what you feel you need to achieve rather than thoughts of hatred, bitterness, depression, anxiety and so on. Such thought wear you down and they eat into your time and your health. Your day may sometimes come with tension and pressure but realize that the people you meet are not the enemies, refuse to express your frustration on innocent people. Be unshaken by circumstance. People can actually dismiss this statement and say "its easier said than done". I know that when you face challenges, the last thing you want is someone telling you to think positive when the challenge is yelling and boasting before you. One always feels like saying "just because you are not in the problem...". There is no other way to "sugar coat" this fact. You have to make a choice to think of things that edify your body, things that uplift, memories of victory and so on. Your day's complexion will brighten and all the bleakness and impossibility falls away.

3. Plan your activities - do not just plunge into the day - Some people believe in instincts that say "I shall see the day as it progresses". They may have bouts or pinches of excitement as they achieve one or two things. However unknown to them, if they only planned their day as it begins, they would have achieved 10 times more. Write down everything you need to do, reorganize according to priority and location. Act on the plan. Whatever is left over forms your work activity plan for the following day so; do not worry. Planning ensures that nothing is forgotten in the process. I have noticed that the days I get frustrated the most are days when there is no plan in place and I am simply "shooting as they come". Sometimes I carry a diary and as long as the specific day in question is blank, I fail to realize or reach productive capacity. I hit myself on my forehead when I am on my way home and I now remember all the calls I was supposed to make. Sometimes I then remember what my wife you have asked for in the morning just as I open the door to say "Good evening."

4. Delegate tasks to those who are available to help - I am one of those people who never enjoyed this term. I am usually content with the feeling that says "I did it all alone and look what I produced". I realized later in life I had not been promoted as a result of my personal effort but by the fact that I ensured results were achieved, regardless of the fact that I would outsource skills where I fell short. I remember rolling out training in a multinational company in a very short period. I didn't need to train all 600 computer users. I trained a few key people I selected from each business unit and simply went around to monitor. Empower and monitor and evaluate. You gain power by delegation contrary to common fears in people who lead others. Delegation frees your time to focus on major and core issues in a more detailed manner. No matter how available people are to help, if you are insecure, you will always feel better when you do it yourself. Sooner or later, your days will be boring and exhausting. You can actually gain power by shedding some off to others.

5. Seek clarity on what you must deliver - there is no use doing anything whose expected results you are not certain of. You are measured on the outcomes of your work as they compare to what you are employed to do. You could be the most hard working employee yet always be cautioned for overstepping your scope. Lack of clarity is dangerous in any area of life you will ever be involved whether in the home setting, society or in the business domain / sector. Your actions are limited by the expectations you carry and the time you have to do all the tasks. The person that gives you tasks is usually the person to ask for clarity. I often see subordinates who go about asking each other "Did he mean...? What did he imply by saying this...?". It is pointless to wait when the person who assigned the tasks is present. You will save yourself time and turn the effectiveness key in the correct direction.

6. Entertain people who stand to help you to achieve more - It is easy to have a sour day by counseling people who leave you with a sour after-taste. If someone adds value to the areas of expectation then you can entertain or accommodate them. Always find creative ways of letting people realize that you are serious about your time. If you always entertain people who show up with no appointment, you are communicating your own standards, people will simply follow that blueprint and before you know it, you don't have time for the important things as you service queues of non-critical issues which show up with the "Urgent + Important" tag.

7. Dress your best, feel it - When you start a day without a sense of "I am looking good", you tend to be sensitive to other people receiving such comments. When you feel it within yourself that you look good then you won't crave for any affirmations from anyone. You just flow in your confidence as you do your work. I know I have done a separate article on dress and etiquette but you can feel so much better if you also carry mouth wash in your car and rinse your mouth before the next meeting. You will speak without mumbling as you will be confident of your breadth. After 3 hours of silence, your mouth tends to lose its freshness from the last time you brushed your teeth. Make it a habit to find ways to freshen up not just the breadth but face and other areas of importance to you.

8. Know how to deal with impromptu events - Not every suddenly is important no matter how urgent. Anticipate that there will be unplanned things that happen. While it is good to be flexible, "suddenlies" must not be the norm by which you run your day or else it defeats the whole purpose of planning and getting organized.

9. Act on one thing at a time - Divided attention normally leads to results that are not excellent or projects that are abandoned mid way. You rather do 4 things in a day but do them excellently than attempt to multi-task and in the end have nothing to show for the sweat and effort. There is usually so much joy associated with a sense of achievement. Achieve tasks and tick them off and sense the urge to push for the next item on the list. I am one person who enjoys doing many things at a time. Many that have imitated me feel the "impossibility" that comes with splitting your mind into many segments each at different levels of progress.

10. Take time to relax and do something you enjoy - For some it's a 10 minute walk in the park, for some its sitting at a restaurant and having a favorite dish. In some instances you want a few minutes away from the office, alone, with the phone off while for others they go to the prayer room. Whatever it is that reduces tension in the body, do it. You can try having a massage done. I used to feel good after a haircut, scalp shampoo and massage of the head. I would leave the barber shop feeling like someone who could take on the world. This revitalized me such that an afternoon seemed like morning.

Rabison Shumba is a young African entrepreneur who has interests in Information and Communication Technology, Agriculture and Mining. He is also a motivational speaker, trainer and author. His book, The Greatness Manual and various online articles are tools for personal and professional development. Together with 100 other Career Experts, Rabison co-authored the 101 Great Ways to Enhance your Career. Rabison has a personal vision of impacting the lives of children in marginalized communities by creating platforms for career counsel and guidance, information empowerment and capacity building through the Greatness Factory Trust, where he currently holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Acting Executive Director. He is actively involved in the organization of career enhancement and guidance colloquiums to propel and inspire both young and mature professionals to greatness. His areas of expertise include strategy, leadership, personal and professional development. Rabison is married to Jackie, and they have two daughters. They reside in Harare, Zimbabwe

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